Last Week in AI #30

Eduardo Cerna, Jan. 13, 2020

AI helps surgeons in the operating room, Hollywood predicts box office success and more...

AI Comes to the Operating Room

Leveraging new imaging techniques and artificial intelligence, brain surgeons are speeding up the process of detecting brain tumors. With the new technique, brain surgeons can make an assessment in as quick as two and a half minutes instead of thirty. In addition to speeding up the process, it can detect details that traditional methods may overlook.

Read more at: The New York Times

Considering AI in your company?


Warner Bros. to Predict Box Office Success with AI

The Hollywood studio has signed a deal with Cinelytic, a startup that uses machine learning to predict film success. While it’s a step forward, executives have made clear that the software will not (yet) have any influence on creative decisions but rather will be used for marketing and distribution purposes.

Read more at: The Verge

AI and Mushrooms to Fight Poverty in Rural China

Using a machine learning powered streaming app which analyses elements on video to connect with relevant users, a Chinese woman’s fortune changed for the better when she decided to live stream her mushroom foraging activities. Unbeknownst to her, the mushrooms in question are some of the world’s most valuable and using the app connected her with several buyers.

Read more at: TIME

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